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Class: Resource

Abstract class representing a RESTful resource. As the Resource class inherits from Controllable, its derived classes can be exposed by a Synapse API. As it inherits from State, its instances also represent valid request responses.






Metadata Properties

Other Properties

Factory Methods

Other Methods



+ new Resource(status: number, message: string): Resource

Inherited from State.constructor

Defined in lib/State.ts:33


Name Type Default Description
status number - The HTTP status code to be assigned to the instance's metadata.
message string "" A string message to be assigned to the instance's metadata.

Returns: Resource

Metadata Properties


$dependencies: Array‹string› = []

Inherited from State.$dependencies

Defined in lib/State.ts:33

An array of paths upon which the response data depends.


$message: string = ""

Inherited from State.$message

Defined in lib/State.ts:23

A string describing the response.


$query: string = null

Inherited from State.$query

Defined in lib/State.ts:28

An HTTP query string representing the requested path and validated arguments.


$status: number

Inherited from State.$status

Defined in lib/State.ts:18

An HTTP status code describing the response.


$type: string = null

Inherited from State.$type

Defined in lib/State.ts:13

The derived class name of the instance.

Other Properties

Static router

router: Router

Inherited from Controllable.router

Defined in lib/abstract/Controllable.ts:91

Static schema

schema: Schema

Inherited from Validatable.schema

Defined in lib/abstract/Validatable.ts:24

An instance of Schema defining the properties necessary to construct an instance of the derived class.

Factory Methods


ACCEPTED(message: any): State‹›

Inherited from State.ACCEPTED

Defined in lib/State.ts:96

Creates a standard HTTP response.


Name Type Default
message any null

Returns: State‹›


BAD_REQUEST(message: any): State‹›

Inherited from State.BAD_REQUEST

Defined in lib/State.ts:110

Creates a standard HTTP response.


Name Type Default
message any null

Returns: State‹›


CONFLICT(message: any): State‹›

Inherited from State.CONFLICT

Defined in lib/State.ts:138

Creates a standard HTTP response.


Name Type Default
message any null

Returns: State‹›


CREATED(message: any): State‹›

Inherited from State.CREATED

Defined in lib/State.ts:89

Creates a standard HTTP response.


Name Type Default
message any null

Returns: State‹›


FORBIDDEN(message: any): State‹›

Inherited from State.FORBIDDEN

Defined in lib/State.ts:124

Creates a standard HTTP response.


Name Type Default
message any null

Returns: State‹›


INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR(message: any): State‹›

Inherited from State.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR

Defined in lib/State.ts:145

Creates a standard HTTP response.


Name Type Default
message any null

Returns: State‹›


NOT_FOUND(message: any): State‹›

Inherited from State.NOT_FOUND

Defined in lib/State.ts:131

Creates a standard HTTP response.


Name Type Default
message any null

Returns: State‹›


NO_CONTENT(): State‹›

Inherited from State.NO_CONTENT

Defined in lib/State.ts:103

Creates a standard HTTP response.

Returns: State‹›

Static OK

OK(message: any): State‹›

Inherited from State.OK

Defined in lib/State.ts:82

Creates a standard HTTP response.


Name Type Default
message any null

Returns: State‹›


UNAUTHORIZED(message: any): State‹›

Inherited from State.UNAUTHORIZED

Defined in lib/State.ts:117

Creates a standard HTTP response.


Name Type Default
message any null

Returns: State‹›

Other Methods


export(): object

Defined in lib/Resource.ts:49

Returns an object containing all properties of the instance, excluding State metadata.

Returns: object


isError(): boolean

Inherited from State.isError

Defined in lib/State.ts:46

Checks if the instance represents an error.

Returns: boolean


path(): string

Defined in lib/Resource.ts:19

Returns the path that uniquely locates an instance (i.e. the path to which a GET request would return the instance). By default, this is the root path followed by the value on the instance corresponding to the first field on the derived class's schema that extends type Id (e.g. '/user/123'); however, derived classes may override this behavior.

Returns: string


render(): object

Overrides State.render

Defined in lib/Resource.ts:34

Returns: object


serialize(): string

Inherited from State.serialize

Defined in lib/State.ts:57

Returns a serialized version of the public representation of the instance for network transport.

Returns: string


toJSON(): object

Inherited from State.toJSON

Defined in lib/State.ts:68

Returns a public representation of the instance metadata, with the instance's rendered payload assigned to the property payload on the resulting object. Called when an the instance is converted to JSON via JSON.stringify.

Returns: object

  • message: string = this.$message

  • payload: any = this.render()

  • query: string = this.$query

  • status: number = this.$status

  • type: string = this.$type


uses(...states: Array‹State›): this

Inherited from State.uses

Defined in lib/State.ts:62

Adds the given states to the instance's dependencies, such that when those states are invalidated, so will be the instance.


Name Type
...states Array‹State

Returns: this

Static collection

collectionT›(this: T, data: Array‹object›): Promise‹Collection

Defined in lib/Resource.ts:111

(async) Given an array of objects data, attempts to restore each object and convert the resulting Resource instances to a Collection.

Type parameters:

T: typeof Resource


Name Type Description
this T -
data Array‹object› An array of objects representing resource states.

Returns: Promise‹Collection

A promise resolving to a collection of resources.

Static Protected controller

controller(options: ControllerOptions, method: any): Controller

Inherited from Controllable.controller

Defined in lib/abstract/Controllable.ts:102

Creates an instance of Controller intended to be attached to a derived class as a static property.


Name Type Description
options ControllerOptions An object defining the endpoint method and pattern, authorizers, schema, and dependencies.
method any A function defining endpoint business logic.

Returns: Controller

Static create

createT›(this: T, data: object): Promise‹InstanceType‹T››

Defined in lib/Resource.ts:121

(async) Like Resource.restore, attempts to create a new instance of the derived class from the plain object data. Throws an Error if data cannot be validated using the derived class's schema. The resulting State will have the HTTP status CREATED.

Type parameters:

T: typeof Resource


Name Type Description
this T -
data object The key-value pairs from which to construct the Resource instance.

Returns: Promise‹InstanceType‹T››

Static restore

restoreT›(this: T, data: object): Promise‹InstanceType‹T››

Defined in lib/Resource.ts:88

(async) Attempts to create a new instance of the derived class from the plain object data. Throws an Error if data cannot be validated using the derived class's schema. The resulting State will have the HTTP status OK.

Type parameters:

T: typeof Resource


Name Type Description
this T -
data object The key-value pairs from which to construct the Resource instance.

Returns: Promise‹InstanceType‹T››

Static root

root(): string

Overrides Controllable.root

Defined in lib/Resource.ts:60

Returns the path from which all endpoints on the derived class originate.

Returns: string

Static union

union(...Classes: Array‹typeof Resource›): Schema

Defined in lib/Resource.ts:73

Returns a new Schema containing all fields of the derived class's schema plus all fields defined on the schemas of each Resource type in Classes. In case of a collision between field names, precedence will be given to former Resources in Classes, with highest precedence given to the derived class on which the method was called.


Name Type Description
...Classes Array‹typeof Resource› The Resource

Returns: Schema